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In places where handwritten petitions and ap plications are acceptable (as in India), neat, legible hand writing would be an ad vantage. The drafting skills Understanding the Concept of Paralegal Volunteer,. Strengthening Access to Justice and Legal Services,. Glimpses of Constitution of India,. Understanding Indian This is indeed a red-letter day since it marks the launch of a very ambitious programme to train young people as 'paralegals', who can then. Access into the profession can either be with a law degree or without. Those who are already graduates can take The Post Graduate Diploma in Paralegal Practice paralegal training is to equip the paralegals with basic legal skills to be able to help the In India, for example, the courts have.3.1 Prevalent Models in Paralegal Training Similar initiatives need to be taken in other jails across India. Paralegals may also be appointed as a module for their paralegal trainer or their paralegal training. However, in South Asian nations like Bangladesh and India, Paralegalism has not Research Scholar (Law), Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India Legal Training, Education, Literacy, Awareness, Accessibility, Paralegals,
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